Nipah virus bt
Forskere advarer: Nipah-virus kan blive den nye store pandemi
Forskere advarer: Nipah-virus kan blive den nye store pandemi | BT Samfund –
21. feb. 2021 — Over for britiske medier forklarer en række forskere, at den flagermusbårne nipah-virus er noget, vi skal holde øje med.
Der har gennem coronakrisen været mange diskussioner, der har handlet om, hvorvidt verdenssamfundet har været godt nok rustet til en pandemi.
Advarer om ny virus – flere smittede | BT Udland
Advarer om ny virus – flere smittede | BT Udland –
9. aug. 2022 — Andre kendte vira fra familien er hendra-virus og nipah-virus, og norske Dagbladet skriver, at der allerede er flere smittede med den nye …
En helt ny virus er blevet opdaget af kinesiske videnskabsmænd.
Frygtelig virus, man ikke kan vaccinere imod, koster fem … – BT
Frygtelig virus, man ikke kan vaccinere imod, koster fem mennesker livet | BT Udland –
22. maj 2018 — Der findes ingen vaccine mod nipah, som har kostet over 260 menneskeliv i Malaysia, Bangladesh og Indien siden 1998.
Der findes ingen vaccine mod nipah, som har kostet over 260 menneskeliv i Malaysia, Bangladesh og Indien siden 1998.
Indien kæmper for at inddæmme virus, som er mere dødelig …
Indien kæmper for at inddæmme virus, som er mere dødelig end covid-19 | BT Udland –
8. sep. 2021 — En 12-årig dreng er død i Inden af virussen nipah. Den sjældne virus er langt mere dødelig end covid-19, og sundhedsfolk har længe frygtet, at …
En 12-årig dreng er død i Inden af virussen nipah.
SUU, Alm.del – 2020-21 – Folketinget
SUU, Alm.del – 2020-21 – Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 994: Spm. om kommentar til artiklerne i BT Forskere advarer: Nipah-virus kan blive den nye store pandemi (21/2-21) og The Sun Disease X: Brain-swelling Nipah Virus 75 times more deadly than Covid may be next pandemic as scientists warn of ‘The Big One’ (19/2-21) m.fl., hvor internationale forskere advarer om, at en mutation i Nipah-virussen er et sandsynligt scenarie, som kan medføre en pandemi, der er langt værre end corona-pandemien, til sundhedsministeren
30. apr. 2021 — Henset til dette bedes ministeren kommentere på artiklerne i BT Forskere adva-. rer: Nipah-virus kan blive den nye store pandemi” 21/2-.
SUU Alm.del – endeligt svar på spørgsmål 994: SUU alm. del – svar på spm. 994 (D1666007).docx
Nipah Virus Infection – PMC – NCBI
efter KT Wong · 2002 · Citeret af 415 — Thirty-Two Fatal Cases of Nipah Virus Infection: Available Clinical and … Mackenzie JS, Chua KB, Daniels PW, Eaton BT, Field HE, Hall RA, Halpin K, …
Nipah Virus Infection in Dogs, Malaysia, 1999 – PMC – NCBI
efter JN Mills · 2009 · Citeret af 69 — The 1999 outbreak of Nipah virus encephalitis in humans and pigs in Peninsular Malaysia ended with the evacuation of … Daniels P, Ksiazek T, Eaton BT.
Nipah Virus (NiV) – CDC
CDC Fact Sheet
outbreak of Nipah virus encephalitis in Malaysia. Journal of Infection 2001;42(1):40-3. • Daniels P, Ksiazek T, Eaton BT. Laboratory diagnosis of …
Resources | Nipah Virus (NiV) – CDC
Resources | Nipah Virus (NiV) | CDC
Daniels P, Ksiazek T, Eaton BT. Laboratory diagnosis of Nipah and Hendra virus infections. Microbes and Infection 2001;3(4):289-95. Chua KB, Lam SK, Goh KJ, …
Nipah Virus Disease: Epidemiological, Clinical, Diagnostic …
Animals | Free Full-Text | Nipah Virus Disease: Epidemiological, Clinical, Diagnostic and Legislative Aspects of This Unpredictable Emerging Zoonosis
Nipah virus (NiV) infection is a viral disease caused by a Henipavirus, belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family, responsible for a zoonosis. The course of the disease can be very serious and lead to death. NiV natural hosts are fruit bats (also known as megabats) belonging to the Pteropodidae family, especially those of the Pteropus genus. Natural infection in domestic animals has been described in farming pigs, horses, domestic and feral dogs and cats. Natural NiV transmission is possible intra-species (pig-to-pig, human-to-human) and inter-species (flying bat-to-human, pig-to-human, horse-to-human). The infection can be spread by humans or animals in different ways. It is peculiar how the viral transmission modes among different hosts also change depending on the geographical area for different reasons, including different breeding methods, eating habits and the recently identified genetic traits/molecular features of main virus proteins related to virulence. Outbreaks have been described in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India and the Philippines with, in some cases, severe respiratory and neurological disease and high mortality in both humans and pigs. Diagnosis can be made using different methods including serological, molecular, virological and immunohistochemical methods. The cornerstones for control of the disease are biosecurity (via the correct management of reservoir and intermediate/amplifying hosts) and potential vaccines which are still under development. However, the evaluation of the potential influence of climate and anthropogenic changes on the NiV reservoir bats and their habitat as well as on disease spread and inter-specific infections is of great importance. Bats, as natural reservoirs of the virus, are responsible for the viral spread and, therefore, for the outbreaks of the disease in humans and animals. Due to the worldwide distribution of bats, potential new reports and spillovers are not to be dismissed in the future.
Keywords: nipah virus bt